
Divisions decided By Age and Ability Level

Age Groups
Mini: 4-6
Smalls: 7-9
Junior: 10-12
Teen: 13-15
Senior: 15-18
Pro: 18+

All ages are based on the age of the performer on the day of competition. Dancers must be able to provide proof of age in debatable situations, upon request of any Dance Fierce director.

Group ages are determined on the average age of the performers with 0.5 round down, 0.6 round up in each age division.

Skill Level:
Beginner: This level is created for beginner dancers working on introductory skills. Examples of such skills include single or double pirouettes, front or side leaps, Leg Holds or directional Battements. Beginner tumbling and acrobatic skills such as Cartwheels, Cartwheels to the floor or on elbows, Kick-Overs, Chin Stand, Handstands, and bridges.

Intermediate: For the Intermediate dancer working on Intermediate skill sets. Examples of such skills include double or triple pirouettes, switch leaps, floor leaps, sequence leaps, leg holds, single leg turns, single or double fouetté or a la seconde turns. Intermediate Acrobatic and Tumbling Skills such as Walkovers, Aerials, Handsprings, basic tumbling passes

Advanced: For the Advanced dancer developing advanced skills. Examples of such skills include multiple pirouettes, sequence fouettés or a la seconde turns and other advanced turning variations, extensions, multiple leg hold turns, switch leaps and their varying directions. Advanced Acrobatic and Tumbling skills such as Back Tucks, Fulls, Layouts, and advanced tumbling passes.

3 point deduction (1 point per judge) will be taken for routines outside skill level at judges and or directors discretion. Two or more judges need to agree on misplacement.

Ability can be difficult to place. Use your best judgement when considering skills in routine, age of dancers, and hours training.

group sizes

Group Sizes
Small Group: 4-9 dancers
Large Group: 10-19 dancers
Extra Large Group: 20+ dancers


Tap: Tap routines must consist primarily of tap technique.
Jazz: Jazz routines must consist primarily of jazz technique.
Ballet/Pointe: Ballet/Pointe routines must consist primarily of ballet technique.
Hip Hop: Hip hop routines must consist of hip hop and street dance styles.
Acro: Acro routines must consist of at least 40% acrobatic/gymnastic stunts incorporating choreography and dance technique.
Musical Theater/Character: Routines featuring any style of dance portraying a song or character from Musicals, Movies, Broadway Shows, etc.
Lyrical: Routines should demonstrate technique, balance, and extension through lyrical style.
Contemporary/Modern: Routines infused with Modern and ballet technique; portraying a story and/or a feeling reaching beyond jazz and lyrical techniques.
Clog: Routines performed in clogging shoes using clogging technique.
Production: Routine that utilizes multiple dance genres for choreographic impact or conveys a recurring theme through music or story.
Open: All dance styles that do not conform to the above listed categories.

time, music & Props

Time Limits

All Divisions are limited to 3 minute routines.  Productions are limited to 5 minutes. Extended time may be granted.


Please upload all of your music to your account and then bring a backup the day of the competition. If you are unable to upload music, please bring a backup on a USB clearly marked with the routine number and studio name. Please no CDs as we don’t have any way to play them.  


Props and backdrops are permitted, however must be moved on and off the stage by the performers/instructors. Stage must be returned to its original setting within 30 seconds. Props are not to be thrown in any manner that may cause injury, damage, and/or leave a residual effect on the stage ie. gels, aerosols, glitters, liquids etc. Damage to the floor by props is the sole responsibility of the performers studio. Please disclose all props when registering routine so Dance Fierce staff can be prepared backstage.


dance challenge

The Dance Fierce Dance Challenge will replicate a typical audition experience, where all participants will be taught a short combination by one of our Dance Fierce Judges. After learning a short combo, it will be performed in groups and will undergo an elimination process. There will be two Dance Fierce Dance Challenges: Beginner/Intermediate and Intermediate/Advanced. The top 4 dancers at each Dance Challenge will be awarded. Dance Challenge tickets can be purchased the day of the event and are $15.


Photography and Video

Flash photography and video recording is strictly prohibited during competition. This is for the performers safety and performance quality. Professional photo and/or video of each routine will be available.

All Dance Fierce participants authorize the use of their images in photo and/or video for any and all Dance Fierce promotional purposes.

safety & sportsmanship

Dance Fierce Friendly Policy

Dance Fierce is dedicated to providing an environment that is safe, supportive, and Dance Fierce friendly. Routines, costumes, and music must be age appropriate and suitable for family viewing, as Dance Fierce is a family event. Dance Fierce judges will determine if a routine is inappropriate and/or should be appropriately penalized or disqualified.


All Dance Fierce participants, teachers, and studio affiliates are expected to display good sportsmanship. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.


Registration Information

All dance pieces must be registered 30 days prior to the competition.  Online registration will run up until 21 days before the event. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.


A $25 NS Fee will applied to all returned checks. Personal checks will not be accepted the day of the competition.

Changed Entries  

A fee of up to $20 may be charged if routine age groups, categories, or skill level need to be changed after the registration deadline.

event schedule

Event Schedule

Confirmation and event schedule will be available 1-2 weeks prior to the competition.

Competing dancers should be ready at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled competition. Dancers will be expected to perform early in the event the competition runs early.

Routines must be competed in their scheduled order unless authorized by a Dance Fierce director.

Schedule is always subject to change.

Special scheduling arrangements can be requested for dancers.  Let us know as soon as possible if any special requests will be made.

Studio Check In

Independents are defined as dancers attending without a registered studio teacher. Independents are permitted in the solo/duo/trio categories. All studio directors should check-in upon arrival to pick up any dancer giveaways and check in any backup music.



Scoring (.5 and higher will be rounded up) A panel of at least 3 qualified judges will score each routine based on Entertainment/Performance, Basic Technique & Musicality/Dynamics, Execution, Choreography, and Overall Appearance.

On a scale out of 100

Overall Showmanship & Entertainment – 20 points
[Showmanship & Entertainment 20]

Technique – 25 points
[Basic Technique 25]

Choreography/Musicality – 30 points
[Choreography 15 / Musicality 15]

Execution – 25 points
[Execution 25]

Judges scores will be added together, for an overall total of 300 points

Colors will be awarded as follows:

Beginner Adjudicated Awards out of 300
White 285 - 300 | Red 269-284 | Blue 252-268 | Green 229-251 | Purple Up to 228

Intermediate Adjudicated Awards
White 290 - 300 | Red 272-289 | Blue 258-271 | Green 233-257 | Purple Up to 232

Advanced Adjudicated Awards
White 295 - 300 | Red 282-294 | Blue 265-281 | Green 248-264 | Purple Up to 247

Judges score sheets, comments, and audio and video critiques will be available via the Dance Fierce website no later than 5 days post event.


In the event of a tie for overall scores, the highest Technique total will determine the winner. If technique score is also a tie, then difficulty, execution, showmanship, and overall performance will break the tie in that order.

Incomplete Routines

Routines that are not completed in full will be adjudicated only and not eligible for overall awards.



Judges: Dance Fierce judges include professional dancers and choreographers, studio directors/ instructors, and/or artistic educators. Our judges are highly qualified, encouraging, friendly, knowledgeable, and objective. In addition to receiving score sheets, each routine will receive audio/video critiques. Judges will also make constructive comments for each routine they adjudicate.



Dance Fierce Directors have the final decision and interpretation of all above rules and regulations.

Any Dance Fierce participant takes certain incumbent risks, ie. sprained/pulled muscles, broken bones etc. Participation in the Dance Fierce event imply the acknowledgment and acceptance of the present risks by attendees and their parents and/or guardians. Dance Fierce assumes no responsibility for personal injury and/or property loss during any Dance Fierce event.


Every contestant must provide a waiver signed by the legal guardian upon checking in to the competition. Visit the link below to download the waiver and bring to checkin the morning of competition.
